1st Semester Subjects

Engineering Maths-1


"To me, mathematics, computer science, and the arts are insanely related. They’re all creative expressions."

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Engineering Physics-1


“If the universe is an artificial simulation then the mathematics is its code and a physicist is a programmer.”

click here to download size(96.1MB)

Fundamentals of Economics


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

click here to downloadsize(118.5MB)

Enviroment Studies


“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.”

click here to downloadsize(29.7MB)

Basic Electronics Engg.


“We, in the semiconductor industry, know that only the paranoid survive.”

click here to downloadsize(21.3MB)

Manufacturing Techniques


“The economy of human time is the next advantage of machinery in manufactures”

click here to downloadsize(21.6MB)

Engineering Graphics


“It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.”

click here to downloadsize(47.7MB)

Physics-1 Lab

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”

click here to downloadsize(3.9MB)

Basic Electronics Engg. Lab

“Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.”

click here to downloadsize(13.1MB)

Manufacturing Techniques Lab

“ Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

click here to downloadsize(4.7MB)